ISSUE No. 31
Vedic Mathematics is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people are introduced to the beautifully unified and easy Vedic methods. The purpose of this Newsletter is to provide information about developments in education and research and books, articles, courses, talks etc., and also to bring together those working with Vedic Mathematics. If you are working with Vedic Mathematics - teaching it or doing research - please contact us and let us include you and some description of your work in the Newsletter. Perhaps you would like to submit an article for inclusion in a later issue or tell us about a course or talk you will be giving or have given.
If you are learning Vedic Maths, let us know how you are getting on and what you think of this system.
This issue’s article is the home page of a web site on Dr S. K. Kapoor’s work on Vedic Mathematics. Dr Kapoor has published several books and most recently “Glimpses of Vedic Mathematics “ (see item later in this newsletter)
Why Vedic Mathematics?
The questions which should be addressed are as to why the modern mathematics is held up, why its logic recoils upon itself and why there are mathematical problems, logical knots and mental blocks at all in the modern mathematical approach?
Well known problems of modern mathematics may be cited as:
1. Everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable functions
2. Hypercubes 1 to 7 increase but hypercube 8 onwards decrease
3. Space Filling Curves
4. Riemann Hypothesis
5. Goldbach's conjecture
Isn't it that these problems are there because of the axioms accepted by the modern mathematics?
And then follows a question as to whether Vedic mathematics is in a position to help the modern mathematics to come out of its mental block and to un-tie its logical knots and to solve the problems?
The Vedic geometric concepts worked out in the books of Dr. Kapoor promise us geometric comprehensions of our existence phenomenon transcending our existing three space format. The real four and higher spaces formats of Vedic comprehensions are new wonderful worlds of very rich mathematics which may ensure us powerful technologies and much potentialised disciplines of knowledge. The basic comprehension pointed out is the way the cosmic surface constitutes and binds the solid granules as synthetic solids manifesting in the cosmos.
Dr. Kapoor is attempting to reconstruct the discipline of geometry as a discipline based on Vedic concepts. He has designated this discipline as Vedic Geometry. His results have added a new dimension to the dialogue initiated with the interpretation of the Ganita Sutras and their potentialities brought to focus by Swami Bharti Krisna Tirthaji Maharaj.
Dr. Kapoor's conclusion is that this all is there only because of the acceptance of the geometric entity (monad) admitting no parts, and "1" has no predecessor. To overcome this, as per him, the modern mathematics needs Vedic mathematics' help to shift from monad without parts to a monad admitting parts. The elliptic equations format y^2=x^3 is bound to give a conceptual slip and this, as per him, can be well glimpsed by chasing the format of this equation on simplex format to see how it is deceptive to appear to be so while as whole numbers artifices parallel to the dimensional frames is well evident inequality. As such, there is a need for the modern mathematics to re-address to itself about the need for re-settlement of the basics to come out of the mental blocks and logical knots to un-tie the knots and to transcend the blocks and to be face to face with the wonderful worlds of reality awaiting ahead with all potentialities of their structural richness. The parallelism between artifices of whole numbers 1 to 26 and 26 sporadic groups is there because of the cosmic surface within the solids.
The recent academic research attempts and teaching experiments with the help of Vedic mathematical operations demonstrate their potentialities to provide the desired help.
The research results are bringing us nearer the traditional acceptance as that Vedas are written on the rays of the Sun. Vedic mathematics, science & technology is the mathematics, science & technology of the way the nature maintains grand unification of the existence phenomenon on the Earth through the rays of the Sun. It is in this grand design of the nature the individual Vedic mantras are impulses of consciousness. This design maintains the continuity of the life within human frame and beyond through the natural intelligence embedded in the human mind and in the rays of Sun. This continuity and parallelism when chased promises new wonderful experiential domains about new realities and the wonderful domains to unfold for us new disciplines of mathematics, science & technology.
Vedic sounds are multidimensional domain frequencies from within the particular dimensional frame as the structure of that domain. When the sounds are pronounced, the frozen frequencies get initiated and the self-organizing power of the Vedic sounds set the frequency's potentialisation process into action. It is this process whose utilization is the aim of different Vedic scriptures.
Rig Ved Samhita is the first Vedic scripture. It is the first book of mankind. The mathematics precedes the composition of Rig Ved Samhita. Vedic Mathematics helped to transform the universal set of knowledge as a speaking language and in the process it itself as well transformed as such and assimilated its identity into the Vedas.
Within Vedas, all discipline of knowledge transform their identity and get assimilated into the single discipline of organization of knowledge on geometric formats. Vedic geometry and mathematics as such help us to work out these formats.
Newspaper in Education (N.I.E) alongwith Padatik in Kolkata will organize 3 days Vedic Maths workshops from June 9th to 11th 2003 with the support of World Academy for Vedic Mathematics which is an integral part of International Research and Resource Foundation for Indian Heritage, Nagpur who organised a series of 25 such workshops in the country in December 2002 jointly with Motilal Banarsidass when international experts on the subject, James Glover was specially invited from U.K to conduct. For further details and registration please contact Padatik in Kolkata # (033) 2247 6087 & 2240 4426 or MLBD Bookstore in Kolkata # (033) 2282 4872. Look for next article announcement on June 6th in TOI. The workshops will be conducted by Dr Abhijit Das.
A new book by Dr S. K. Kapoor entitled "Glimpses of Vedic Mathematics" has recently been published. Dr Kapoor's work sees Vedic mathematics from a geometrical viewpoint and uses higher dimensional spaces to describe transcendental phenomena. Four, five and six space correspond to the worlds of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu respectively, and this book attempts to describe the transition from 4-space to 5-space. It has about 600 pages and is published by Arya Book Depot, 30 Naiwala, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110 005, India.
If you are interested in buying a copy of this book it can be located through:
Enter the ISBN into their search engine: 81-7018-931-4, including hyphens. It does not seem to respond to the author or title.
A good article on Vedic mathematics can be seen at: (click on Vedic Mathematics – you will need Acrobat Reader). The Author, Jeganathan Sriskandarajah, is an instructor at Madison Area Technical College, Wisconsin, USA, where he recently organised the first annual “Pi Day”.
The Cosmic Calculator course is due to be reprinted soon. If you are aware of any corrections that need to be made to this or have any suggestions for improvement please email Kenneth Williams at .
Mala Nataraj whose research was featured in newsletter 30 has had approval to conduct research into Vedic Mathematics multiplication methods for a paper for next semester.
The Jains of India had their own method of mathematics. If you know anything about their system or can advise where to find out please let us know at or Vipul Kocher at
Postage is now free at for buyers of Vedic maths books in the UK.
I’m a student studying in The International School, Bangalore. I approach you with a certain question that I hope you would be able to answer. I m doing the international baccalaureate program where I m subjected to write an essay on a research topic so as to fulfil the program requirements.
My topic for the essay is "Should school incorporate Vedic mathematics as a mandatory aspect of the curricula or should it just be kept as a subsequent option?" so as to give an idea of what I would be asking. Firstly, I would like to get your feed back on what is so prominent about Vedic Mathematics that makes it so profound for logical reasoning? Secondly, is it true that one of the cons in Vedic mathematics is that it lacks in proving its nature, for which conventional mathematics is a much more reliable source? Thirdly, I would like to know your 'frank' view in promoting Vedic mathematics in Schools and other institutions.
The Vedic system as I understand it is based on sixteen sutras which sutras describe natural functions of the mind; sixteen ways in which the mind naturally operates. Mathematical constructs are mental entities, they are constructed by the mind, so a system based on these natural mental functions is bound to be the most efficient and most pleasant to us.
Conventional mathematics does not have a logical basis that has been demonstrated. In the last century many paradoxes appeared which showed up the lack of proper foundations in the conventional approach. Many attempts were made to give mathematics proper foundations. Russell and whitehead for example tried to give sound logical foundations to mathematics but they failed. The situation as far as I am aware is still not satisfactorily resolved as far as modern mathematicians are concerned.
So I would say the Vedic system has a more reliable basis, it is easier, more fun and more effective. I believe Vedic Mathematics should be taught in all schools and other institutions. Whether it should be mandatory is an interesting question. This is probably not necessary as it may create division and dissent: many teachers naturally resist change and it may be better to just let people gradually realise that the Vedic system is better. Vedic Mathematics will spread because people like it and to force everyone to change can lead to problems.
If you want to know about Vedic Mathematics Workshops or research in India send an email to Mr R. P. Jain at
Your comments about this Newsletter are invited.
If you would like to send us details about your work or submit an article or details about a course/talk etc. for inclusion, please let us know on
Previous issues of this Newsletter can be copied from the Web Site:
Some articles from previous newsletters are:
Issue 1: An Introduction
Issue 2: "So What's so Special about Vedic Mathematics?"
Issue 3: Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji: More than a Mathematical Genius
Issue 4: The Vedic Numerical Code
Issue 6: The Sutras of Vedic Mathematics
Issue 7: The Vedic Square
Issue 8: The Nine Point Circle
Issue 11: Is Knowledge Essentially Simple?
Issue 14: 1,2,3,4: Pythagoras and the Cosmology of Number
Issue 16: Vedic Matrix
Issue 17: Vedic Sources of Vedic Mathematics
Issue 19: “Maths Mantra”
Issue 20: Numeracy
Issue 21: Only a Matter of 16 Sutras
Issue 22: Multiplication on the Fingertips
Issue 23: India’s System of Mental Mathematics
Issue 24: The Sign of Nine
Issue 25: Maharishi’s Vedic Mathematics
Issue 26: Foreword
Issue 27: The Absolute Number
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Editor: Kenneth Williams
Visit the Vedic Mathematics web site at
23rd May 2003