Using this site means you have automatically agreed to the following terms and conditions. If you cannot abide by the following conditions then you should desist from using this site.

This site policy was last updated on the 22nd of May 2013.

Copyright Material

The material on this site is either copyright by us or the original author of the material, unless otherwise stated.

Copying or using any of the content of our site is strictly forbidden, except where you have our written premission, or the permission of the original author.

Reverse Engineering of the content on our site

As indicated above the content of this site is Copyright. This Copyright is considered to extend to how we have implemented this site. Therefore you are not allowed to reverse engineer the pages, scripts and applications on this site.

Links to other sites

This Web site contains hyperlinks to Web sites operated by parties other than us. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference only. We do not control such Web sites and are not responsible for their contents. The inclusion of hyperlinks to such Web sites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such Web sites or any association with their operators.


We are not using cookies to store information about our users or track how they are using our website.

N.B. some of the components used to build this website may use cookies to implement navigation between pages/menus etc. If this is the case we are not using this information to track or gather information about the activities of people using this website.

Tracking of use of this web site

We track the use of this web site, to determine how well we are providing information on Vedic Mathematics to the internet community and to determine how we could improve the contents of this web site.

This information is gathered from:-

  • Server web logs.
  • Utilities at the server that gather a simplified version of the data similar to the server web logs.

The above information is not put to any other use.

Use of information about our users

We only use information from our users to provide services relevant to this web site.

This currently includes:-

  • The email addresses of users that wish to receive our newsletter.
  • The email addresses of those that have made donations to support the development of this web site, so they can be updated about the progress of the web site.
  • Any relevant correspondence with users about either the web site or Vedic Mathematics.

We do not use information about our users to target them with advertising or provide this information to those that would target our users with advertising.

We do not retain financial information on our users on the web site and its associated databases.


At present advertising on this website is limited to promotion of material available in our store. This advertising has been deliberately limited so as to not be intrusive to the user experience of this website.

We hope to be able to continue to offer the content of this website without adverts for non related material.

Content added to our site by users

At some point in the future this site will contain areas that can be changed/updated by the user, thus allowing a community of users to interact through the web site e.g. Forums etc.

Users must refrain from using bad language and not add slanderous or illegal material into these areas.

Users should also use the different community areas as intended e.g. not put adverts for products in areas intended for answering questions on mathematical problems etc.

We reserve the right to remove any material we consider inappropriate and to prevent access to the site by those who abuse the facilities provided by this site.

Interaction with other users of this website

At some point in the future, it will be possible to contact other registered users of this website (who have granted their permission to be contactable).

Users should only contact other users on this website for matters relating to Vedic Mathematics i.e. it is inappropriate to contact other users to advertise products or other inappropriate solicitation.

N.B. using the facilities of this website to advertise your own products relating to Vedic Mathematics is also considered inappropriate. At some point we may provide the facility to advertise/promote/discuss products related to Vedic Mathematics created by other authors.

We reserve the right to prevent access to the site by those who abuse the facilities provided by this site.


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