
In addition to the books in our Bookstore we recommend the titles shown below.

As there are now many books published on Vedic Maths we list here only those known to us as good books, either because we have seen the book or it has been recommended by one of our team. If you would like to send a copy of a book to us please send to the following address but please note this will not guarantee we will list it on this page.
Kenneth Williams, Academy of Vedic Mathematics, Carsphairn, Castle Douglas, DG7 3TE, Scotland, U.K.

N.B. We performed a web search for other books on Vedic Mathematics (last updated April-May 2016). The results of this can be found on the links in the menu on the right.

Pebble Maths

The Curious Hats of Magical Maths, Books 1 & 2

Vedic Mathematics for All Ages: A Beginners' Guide

Vedic Mathematics for Schools - Books 1, 2 and 3

Math is not a Four Letter Word - An Introduction to the Study of Vedic Mathematics

Modern Approach to Speed Math Secret - Key to Master Speed Mathemagic

Learn and Teach Vedic Mathematics

 The Cosmic Computer

25 Math Short Cuts

Algebra Made Easy as Arithmetic

Inspirational Maths from India

Vedic Mathematics: Success Mantras to excel in Mathematics

Ignite Math, Pre Primary, Tier1, Tier2, Tier3, Tier4, Tier5


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