
Testimonials from the Advanced Diploma Course

David Robinson, math teacher, Canada Many (most) of the ideas were new to me or were presented from a completely different perspective. I found a great deal was mind blowing in its originality. It has made me realize that my 33 years of teaching could have been much more appealing to my students. I also believe the ideas present alternatives that would lead students to be more creative (and hence better problem solvers).
Gabrielle Wellington-Spurr, educational consultant, UK Doing research in Vedic maths would actually be a dream come true for me.  I need to spend more time becoming "fluid" and more competent with the Vedic mathematics techniques which we have covered so far but I have to say that this course has given me the most amazing boost and feeling that I am finally in the right arena for exploring maths in a way that feels natural and makes sense to me.  I feel closer to a "vision" - actually more of a feeling - that I have always had about a "better" approach to maths but was never quite able to capture it.
Shubha Belagumba Nagahanumantha Rao, maths teacher, Bangalore

Now I love doing math because of VM. I am able to learn through those beautiful patterns. So called “difficult subjects” like Trigonometry, calculus also didn’t scare me when William sir explained. When Ken sir asked us to pause and solve a problem solution just flowed naturally. Even in this course, last week when I saw lesson titles trigonometry, calculus…. I thought “I have made a mistake selecting this course” but once I started learning nowhere I had a problem. VM is not hard for mind.

Tarlika Desai, College lecturer in Mathematics, New York, USA   Each lesson I learned in VM I think has taken me to a totally new adventure, new thinking, new joy to say the least. This Math has opened doors to a totally new land of knowledge. I can't say enough. I have been thoroughly enjoying the varieties of vedic maths .Such a treasure of knowledge is untouched by most people in the world.
Francisco Romero, architect, UK After watching the last lesson on complex numbers my mind just "clicked". Until now I only saw many different procedures for solving math problems. Suddenly everything came together and now I can see the whole unified system more clearly. The consequence is that my imagination can start working independently to find applications where VM can be a great help.
Mahendra Belani. Project Manager, NJ, USA To me, its the myriad of methods available to solve problems - it really opens up the minds.  Instead of a single way of approaching problems, there are often more elegant, alternative methods that VM offers.  And best of all, the methods can be extended - usually quite easily - and this creativity is what is important for kids, especially in this day and age, where access to calculators and computers is all too easy.  What is also interesting with VM is that there is, like with many disciplines, unexplored / unchartered territory, for the folks that really like to be challenged.



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  • “Pupils who would normally not want to volunteer are putting their hands up to answer questions so quickly that it's hard not to look surprised!”
    Paul Phillipson-Masters, maths teacher, Scotland
  • ”… have been trying some of the methods with my students and they have started to create a real buzz around school. ”
    Garry Marshall, Maths Consultant, Manchester Enterprise Academy.
  • ” Even during the break they stayed at their desks, taking numbers randomly and doing subtractions. ”
    Daniela Panait, Romanian teacher
  • ”now we can see clearly the beauty of VM and how blessed my youngest child and my students will be to experience VM very young. ”
    Sonya Post, Teacher, USA
  • ”Near 80 multiplications. They were eager to learn and to perfect their skills. They don’t want to write multiplications any more. It was wonderful. At the end, they were not tired and asked for more. ”
    Didier Auroy, Maths teacher, France
  • ”They were amazed and would never forget the lesson for rest of their life…”
    Rajni Obhrai, maths teacher, London
  • ”She is now pushing me to learn more and more Vedic maths to keep up with her insatiable appetite for mathematics. ”
    Vera Stevens, maths teacher, Australia
  • ”But the interesting part of it is once you start doing it you start understanding the power of VM and you just get drawn towards it. ”
    Lalit Shah, Maths teacher, USA
  • ”… and am amazed at such simplicity! ”
    Claudia Brow
  • ”My entire attitude about math changed today. ”
    Barbara Kithcart, USA
  • ”All I can hear from them is "wow" and they get frenzy when they started to be able to solve math problems up to 4-digits times 4-digits multiplication in their heads. ”
    Rosendo Jr. Agulto, Philippines
  • ”For the first time students were eager to do maths and wanted more of it. ”
    Newsletter 18
  • ”I taught calculating squares and square roots to 9th grade kids on this street and they had their mouth wide open in amazement. ”
    Sunitha Ramaiah, maths teacher, India
  • ”If I'd have had VM 15 years ago it would have saved our family years of grief and stress. ”
    Sonya Post, Teacher, USA
  • ”My grandchildren will not have a fear of math because of what you taught me today. ”
    Barbara Kithcart, USA
  • ”Once you get into it you just don’t want to stop because it’s so powerful. ”
    Lalit Shah, Maths teacher, USA
  • ”The more I am learning the more awed I feel about the simplicity of the Vedic System. ”
    Mudaliar Shraddha Teacher, USA
  • ”I shared one of the addition technique with some my students and reactions on their faces were amazing. ”
    Mudaliar Shraddha Teacher, USA
  • ”Mom said it's clearly due to the VM lessons and she is now using them all the time! ”
    Hagit Genosar, Maths teacher, USA
  • ”They have started loving maths. ”
    Shylashree Ravishankar, Teacher, India
  • ”It’s much easier, simpler, faster, more interesting, more exciting, and full of fun. ”
    Tarlika Desai, Maths Teacher, USA
  • ”I feel overwhelmed by the power of this Vedic Math- not known or heard before. ”
    Tarlika Desai, Maths Teacher, USA
  • ”I feel the more I delve into it, more treasure I am getting from it. ”
    Tarlika Desai, Maths Teacher, USA
  • ”These days he is following only VM to do multiplications and he feels as if he is a magician. ”
    Madhavi Bandi, Maths teacher, UK
  • ”I'm demonstrating . . . to PhD-students . . . They all wonder why they have not been taught this method... ”
    Eric Groenendijk, Mathematician, The Netherlands
  • ”And I see my kids walk into the class with that extra bounce and energy. ”
    Mudaliar Shraddha Teacher, USA
  • ”Vedic Math has shown me new path to light of mathematics. . . . I have never enjoyed Math like this before. ”
    Tarlika Desai, Maths Teacher, USA
  • ”I am here now learning Vedic Mathematics and enjoying every moment of it. I cannot believe myself that I am taking so much interest in learning and practising mathematics. ”
    Ashok Nair, Teacher, Canada
  • ”Words really don’t begin to describe this innovative way to solve math problems”
  • ”. . . it will really set your mind to thinking about math differently. ”
  • ”The thing that surprised me most is the fact that VM is a whole system. VM by nature is fun to work out. ”
    Sonya Post, Teacher, USA
  • ”And when I introduced them to the method left to right, the reaction is something memorable. The most dumb students (branded by other teachers) now compete with toppers to answer the sums. ”
    Shylashree Ravishankar, Teacher, India
  • ”I had never seen math like this before. My whole attitude towards learning math and teaching math to my kids has changed. Vedic math is a complete math system that teaches us to find patterns, simplify complex equations and make it fun. ”
    Sangeeta Ahuja, Occupational Therapist, USA
  • ”To them, the techniques you shared with me will make math seem like a game. If I had learned 40 years ago what you taught me, I would have chosen a different field of study. ”
    Barbara H. Kithcart, Librarian Hancock Elementary School
  • ”Vedic Maths is simply incredible but incredibly simple - and I'm loving it!”
    Paul Phillipson-Masters, maths teacher, Scotland
  • ”The best part was we all had fun and after the presentation I was bombarded with please teach my son/daughter Vedic Math. ”
    Mudaliar Shraddha Teacher, USA
  • ”I was amazed how fast I could do maths…”
    Shubham Goyal, High School Senior student in USA
  • ”This time I was using the Vedic Mathematics and not only ended up finishing but I got 1st place in my entire school. ”
    Shubham Goyal, High School Senior student in USA
  • ”I have found that VM has opened my mind and expanded the possibilities when dealing with different maths problems. ”
    Damen Pitiroi, maths teacher, New Zealand
  • ”"I have also received responses like "why are they not teaching this in all schools?" or "I wish I was taught this system when I was in school"”
    Damen Pitiroi, maths teacher, New Zealand
  • ”Vedic is about working smart, not hard.”
    Mia Liley. Maths teacher, USA